Electric Scooter

Here you will find our selection of quality electric scooters. Some of our models belong to the category of Light Motor Bikes and are approved according to Art. 14 VTS and Art. 18 VTS by the Federal Office for Roads on public roads or bicycle paths.

Active filters
  • Road approval: No
  • Weight: 10 - 15 kg
CHF1,290.00 CHF1,390.00
(3 Gramm)
Available end of March 2024

The further development of the SXT Light series - new up to 40 km/h

Data sheet
10 - 15 kg
250 - 1000 Watt
21 - 45 km/h
31 - 50 km
Max. Range
50 km
Max. Speed
40 km/h
Nominal power
700 watts
11.9 kg
Road approval

Modern E-Scooter for more mobility and sustainability in everyday life

E-scooters are rightly becoming increasingly popular and offer countless advantages. You will find a variety of affordable electric scooters in our store. These include not only electric scooters and electric scooters, but also electric cruisers. Our products are characterised by a robust design and the use of high-quality materials. So you can enjoy maximum reliability and safety in everyday life.

But modern e-scooters also offer you a whole new way of mobility in the city. With an electronic scooter, you no longer have to rely on your car or public transport. Since you are allowed to behave, from a purely legal point of view, in the same way in road traffic as with a bicycle, you can even ride on bicycle paths. This allows you to get around faster in city traffic, despite the lesser speed. In addition, you are always relaxed and can enjoy your ride with the electric scooter.

Additionally, electric scooters stand for sustainability. Because the electric drive is environmentally friendly and does not cause any emissions. More so, you can charge your electric scooter conveniently at home by making use of a socket. State-of-the-art lithium-ion batteries ensure long hours of driving pleasure. The high-quality models are characterised by short charging times and long battery life. So do something good not only for yourself, but also for the environment with a high quality e-scooter from e-Wheels.ch.

The E-Scooter compared to the motor scooter

Electric scooters are comparable to motor scooters, only they are without an internal combustion engine and gasoline tank. Instead, an electric motor and a lithium-ion battery are responsible for locomotion. These offer you the advantage of not having to visit a gas station every few days. This is because you can easily "refuel" your e-scooter at home. All you have to do is plug in your electric scooter into the power outlet.

While a scooter has relatively large tires, those of an e-scooter are quite small. This means you are closer to the ground than with a motor scooter. The driver in both usually sits near the rear wheel to drive. The driving style is also relatively similar. At the same time, e-scooters are characterised by a Vespa design. This is because you will find an open step-through and leg shield on most electric scooters. This not only allows you to get on and off easily, but also protects you from the airstream.

Electric scooters always operate at full torque, regardless of speed. This is a decisive advantage over the motor scooter. Because an e-scooter can accelerate very quickly, giving you more fun while driving. This also offers many advantages when moving around the city. For example, if you have to stop frequently, for example at traffic lights, you can still move forward quickly.

This offers you a modern E-Scooter

Due to the electric motor of the e-scooter, it is usually very quiet, almost noiseless. In addition, it does not produce any exhaust fumes and causes less damage due to the simpler drive mechanism. So there is hardly any maintenance and repair work for your electric scooter. These features ensure electric scooters are very popular and respected. Meanwhile, electric scooters are even considered in many parts of the world as an expression of a modern lifestyle.

Naturally, e-scooters are also a lot cheaper to use than classic scooters. Not only because of the omitted repair costs which makes remarkable difference in the long-term, but also becauce the omitted fuel has a positive effect in the long-term, both on the environment and on the wallet.